Hey Katy Perry, What’s Your Sign?

Zodiac Sign Katie Perry
Katie Perry, so hey, what’s your sign?
BirthdateOctober 25, 1984
OccupationSinger, Song-Writer, Musician, Actress
Sun Sign: Scorpio
Element: Water
Quality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Chinese Sign: Rat
Chinese Element: Wood

Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson was born on October 25, 1984, especially known for her hit single “California Girls”, “Teenage Deam”, and “Firework”. Shrewd in business, Rat’s carry an ambitious drive toward any  opportunity presented to them, no matter how small or large the scale. They are normally difficult to get close too, and the Scorpionic extremities don’t help with this either – it’s either all or nothing. The Scorpio/Rat has somewhat of a distant personality, a need to break free from the conventional. But once you have put in the time, have somehow managed to equate with this breed, the opposing extremity is anything but distant. Scorpio/Rat’s are forever loyal not only their careers but even closer to whom they have chosen to open up too. Success surrounds the Scorpio/Rat.

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